Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Family Rules Sign-Revisited

I'm being bombarded by a nasty sinus infection and just haven't had the time to pull together the post I wanted to do. Until then, I found another idea of how to make the Family Rules sign I did.  This was the original one I came up with:

Still love it and  how it turned out. It fits my decor perfectly. I've been picking up some more frames at Goodwill to make so others to sell and want to make one with a brighter color.  Well, someone else out there is on the same wavelength as me.  Look what she made:

Isn't this great?!  I love the brightness, yet the aging she did on it. You can read about how she did hers at
The sanding really seems to be the secret.

I want my next sign to have this Robin's Egg blue color and patina to it:

Another variation on the family rules sign would be to just use random words that inspire you like this one:

Or this one:

                                                                         (from hollyandivydesigns at etsy)

My good friend, Shauna, made her version like this:

 I like how she used different fonts for each rule. You can see her method at (a fun blog to visit.  She does amazing things for the holidays with her kids and is a great photographer.)

Obviously Typography art is really in right now.  Here's some other inspiration ideas:

(pottery barn)

(by coulson macleod)

(love these British WWII signs)

(pottery barn)

Well, that's it for today.  Hope you found some more inspiration for making your own vintage typography art!


  1. Thanks again for the inspiration. I am not handy but loved the idea of your family rules sign and I made one on the computer. It turned out great. I posted about it here.

  2. Thanks for the link! I'm so glad that you have this decorating blog. You always have so many clever ideas.

  3. Thank you for the shout out. I like the colored ones too. I am doing 4 for upcoming charity auctions and one of the ones I'm doing is a robin's egg blue (and sage green and a golden yellow/red combo)
