Friday, February 19, 2010

Vintage Family Rules Sign

Hello! I'm Erin from Decor AllureI'm a Mom of six with a love of decorating.  I love the challenge of trying to decorate for this crowd, yet budget-friendly.  I love garage sales, thrift stores, re-painting, re-upholstering, and re-everything!

     I have fallen in love with these vintage subway signs I'm seeing everywhere. But at prices like $785 for the ones from Restoration Hardware, it's out of the question.

 Then...I saw this family rules sign idea at :

 Not really fitting my home's decor, but I liked the concept. Then this crazy lady's light bulb went off! I added the two ideas together to fit my style and created this:

    Here's what I did- I already had a frame that I had a piece of 1/4" plywood cut down to size for me at Home Depot (they do 2 cuts for free and many cuts for batted eyes!) I then painted the border with off white craft acrylic paint. After dry, I taped it off and painted my center black.  Two coats later, sand down the whole surface until sufficiently "aged." 
     I then typed up each phrase in a banner-making program and printed each out.  After cutting them out, I layed them out on the board as I wanted and taped the edges down to hold them in place.  Now here comes the fun part; place a sheet of carbon paper between the wood and printed paper.  On the first phrase, trace each letter.  Take off the paper and carbon and you should have a nice copy of your lettering.  Using a paint pen in off white (I used the medium and fine tip "DecoColor" brand from Michael's), trace again and fill in each letter. I kept a piece of cardboard handy to help blot the tip when it got a little too full. You can use the finer tip to define the edges of each letter a bit better. When done with the first phrase, move down to the next.  I just worked on the floor, laying on a pillow so I could really see what I was doing (and make sure I could really smell those lovely paint fumes!)
     When all dry, I sanded the letters to help age them as well.  Since making this first one, I found another larger frame at Goodwill.  It was taller and had a chunkier frame that I painted black:

I even made a few on some ready-made pine boards from Home Depot and hung them without a frame. Here's one that's dark brown and cream:

    This really wasn't that hard, yet it makes such a fun, custom sign.  Not bad for just under $20, huh?  A friend suggested making a subway-style sign using street names from your life (your different homes' streets, the street you grew up on, etc.)  I just saw this idea of writing a poem or saying on a large piece of plywood to make an inexpensive, but large piece of artwork for that big, empty wall:

   You can find instructions for this from Amanda at
    Oooh, the possibilities!  Try it! Just send me your signs for future inspiration.


  1. Erin,
    I love the family rules and the long subway signs that are in the kitchen.
    Trust me, though it is funny, I'll frequent your blog for decor tips and tricks!


  2. I love that you have a blog!!!! I am in love with my sign, everytime I see my stairs it makes me happy!

  3. Erin I am so glad you are doing a blog! You are so creative! Now I can keep up with everything you are doing!!

  4. I put your blog on my reader!! Watch out now I'm going to stalk you (only on blogland of course). You are my inspiration Erin!!! So glad to know you :)

  5. I'm excited about your new blog! I just wish that you were here to do the projects together!

  6. I am so excited for your blog!! You have the best ideas!

  7. I need some new things for the wall and that would be a perfect start. Yours is great! jackie

  8. You did all this and you have six (6)!!! kiddos? How the heck does that work??? :-)

    Love this!


  9. That's fantastic! I love your fresh version of the family rules.

  10. This is just the best!! I love it!

    Stop by and check out my Easter napkin ring promotion and see some of my Easter Tablescape ideas.


  11. I love your spin on this. I'd been eying a similar sign on a website but it was $300! This seems so easy and doable. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Love it!!! I just made very similar to yours, but I put the fruits of the spirit on it! Love it framed!!

  13. What a great idea! Thanks for sharing. I became a follower and am off to check out more of your posts.

  14. Wow, if you sold these I would buy one. I love it! I guess I am going to have to try this.

  15. wow! you do great work! You have a lot of patience! Glad to see it wasn't done with a cricut! :)
    fabulous job!

  16. I love how your project turned out! I just did this as a gift to my husband using all the street names of the house that we have lived in....we've moved a lot....and include childhood addresses too. I stenciled my words but I think I'd like to try and do it like you did yours. Thanks so much for showing us your technique!! :)

  17. I LOVE this!! Thank you for the inspiration, I may just have to make one of these for our home.

  18. LOVE this idea! I just started a linky party over at my place- I'd love for you to feature this!!!


  19. Amazing - I have seen the subway signs too & having grown up riding the subways I would never spend that kind of $ - even if I could. You project looks AMAZING. I am a bit DIY challenged, but I would love to try... Thanks!

  20. Found you via asoftplacetoland! I love your version of the family rules! I so need to do this. Thanks for the inspiration. :)

  21. I love it! Such a great idea and thanks for the tutorial.

  22. I want to do this! I am planning on doing it for our anniversary, with our addresses. Where do you get carbon paper? Is it at Michaels? Thanks.

  23. That is seriously cool! Love the style mixed with special things about your family. Very fun!!

  24. Carbon paper might be at Michael's, but I got it at OfficeMax, seen it in the office section of WalMart. Have fun!

  25. I really love this idea. another one to add to my long list of things to do! Thanks for sharing!!

  26. Do you mind sharing the couple of fonts that you have found to work best, as well as the font size? These are awesome! I have an old painting that I'm going to do this to - looks great!!!! I love your blog and stumbled on it through ASPTL... Thanks!!!!!!

  27. Just found your blog. I love this idea and will use it too!!! Thanks so much.

  28. I would love to buy one of these. Are you selling them???? Thanks so much!

  29. LOVE it! I am also in love with subway signs and want to make one instead of paying and arm and a leg!

  30. Found your blog from Tip Junkie. I wish I would have thought of this first! LOL. It looks fantastic!

  31. I _love_ your subway signs, and have linked to your idea on my blog (unless you would like me not to). I have an old door that I think would be great painted like this. Thanks for the inspiration!

  32. It loooks great! (And you're right, we are on the same wavelength....) Thanks for stopping by.

  33. Okay, that looks fantastic! I love your family rules. I kind of wish I could make one for my house, but I've already got my scripture piece in my living room. Maybe I could make one for upstairs.

    Thanks for posting on my scripture art.
    Amber @ It's Greener Over Here

  34. Oh my goodness! So cute! I like yours better than any of those super expensive ones anyway! Great job!!!

  35. I stumbled upon your Family Rules sign and just loved it! I've done my own bus roll recently--I think they are great in decor!

  36. You are so creative. For those with limited time check out
    They have affordable signs and customization and shipping is free.

  37. Great post - and nice inspiration! I linked it to my "subway art" post, thanks!

  38. Hello there...I so love you sell them? I found htis and I do not have a vinyl lettering kit or anything like that...would love to have this in my home...thanks!

  39. LOVE LOVE this!! I went to Home Depot to get one of the ready-made Pine Boards, but they didn't have anything like that. What are the dimensions of your signs so I can get some wood cut? I can't really tell how large they are from the pics. THANKS!!

  40. What size did you cut your plywood?

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